Dear my weird dongsaeng, Kim Ryu Hyun
Heii you forget about my words, huh? “Don’t be a bad girl” .. iisssshhh u always make me worry about u. Just tell me what happen.. but u just said “mianhae eonnie :)” That’s okay if u can’t toldi t to me..
Sorry if I couldn’t accompany u in anytime. But if u want, just think about me and I’ll be there to accompany u :)
I know u’r a smart girl. When I knew that u got a problem, u just said, “don’t worry ne, I’m okay :’)” I believe it even I know that u’r not okay at that time. Hey u MAY NOT LIE TO UR EONNIE!!!
Mianhae if I couldn’t solved all of ur problems. I just could listened to ur story and tried to help u. I tried my best.
U know, I was so glad when see u laughed and made a joke with many people around u (even I know that wasn’t a real smile ==a)
Yeah, I realized that u’r my cutie cutie dongsaeng =^^= . U’r so cute (it cause ur eonnie is too cute.. kkkkkkkkkk ~)
I’m gonna miss to play “happy family ” with u :’(
“be a good girl, or I’ll it to eomma!” I think u like to be with appa than eomma ==a
Don't know why,,
After that moment.. every I see ur fb, I'm so sad..
I know I must let u go! I'm trying...
I know u'll never see this message T.T
but don't worry ne!! I'll post this message to heaven then the angels will tell u about this :3
Even I never meet u before, I feel so close to u..
u like my real dongsaeng :')
I think u already know that I'm so love u, right? :p
so I don't need to say saranghaeyo again :p
hei, u love me too, right?? *so confident I am ==a*
kkkkk ^^ ~
Hope u'r happy there :')
best regrads,
ur freak eonnie,