I'm soo late to post about SS3...
Well ~
This is SS3 in Qingdao-China...
Heechul was holding a bun just now!! Something like the one in his DP
During self-introducing,Heechul said “I’m pabo”,then he asked fan “please sit” in chinese http://twitpic.com/2iywe7
Sungmin hanging on wires during no other http://twitpic.com/2iyunw
SJT – Rokkugoh. Donghae replacing Kangin.
Kyuhyun hit Leeteuk~!
Donghae on VCR in England’s guard costume http://twitpic.com/2iyuf5
Leeteuk introduced himself by Arabic
During self-introducing,Heechul used donghae words,said “You’re are mine” to ELFs…in mandarin
During self-introducing super junior – Good person
Donghae said “ni men gao xing ma”
LEETEUK !! THE LEADER !! SO HANDSOME YAY !!!! http://twitpic.com/2iysdo
During No other performance,teuk and min hanging by wires http://twitpic.com/2iys2w
Now Intro – Donghae!! “Da jia hao, wo shi Dong Hai!”
Kyuhyun is standing beside sungmin
Leetuk shouted “Zun bei hao le ma?” Are you ready??
We’re Super Juni o-r ~! By SJ !!!
Now Intro – Donghae!! “Da jia hao, wo shi Dong Hai!”
Pretty Heenim [CR:weibo] http://twitpic.com/2iyrof

Super Girl with korean version….Without Henry and Zhoumi ^^
Super Junior – Super girl. SJ version!
SorrySorry Remix version now
The show starts !!! Eunhae have just come out !!!!
Concert will start at 9pm KST hopefully. Now it’s 8:45pm KST.
7:46 PM Banner keep be asked to close up,many ELFs shouting “do not Close” following with “super Junior Saranghae”
playing some videos starting soon!!!!
7:48 PM Many banners keep pulled down by guards now inside the stadium, even pulled down Jjingbbang’s banner
7:43 ELFs shouting for “SuperJunior Saranghae” together now
The concert is postponed for about 15 minutes.
Heenim’s banner lighted —> http://twitpic.com/2ivbbg ELFs screaming like hell.
7:33 PM In the middle of Level 1 and 2 got a row is for VIP seating. Because the banner block the view of VIP seat’s so one of the Siwon & KyuHyun Banner be asked to close up even ELFs all shout ‘Do not Closed up”together.
Playing Shining Star in the stadium. Concert hasn’t started yet.
7.30 P.M . The guard has pulled down Siwon and Kyuhyun banners.
ELFISH BANNER. CREDITS:百度李东海吧&ELFISH.cc, @StringwHenry http://yfrog.com/j9c40uj
SS3 QingDao will start real soon, kindly stay tune for the updates
7:16 PM many ELFs now !
7:16 PM There’re many banners inside the Stadium now.

Credit: 百度superjunior吧电台+ twitter.com/SGSJELFs
In the stadium, they’re not playing any SJ songs, they’re playing some advertisements
Credit: twitter.com/sinyi88
Many ELFs are entering inside the stadium now ^^ The show will start 30minutes soon ^^

7:00 PM The designing of stage of #SS3QingDao will mostly same as SS3 in Seoul.but the stage is higher a bit for standing area
6:56 PM The stage for tonight !!! Amazing

6:55 PM The stand areas are almost fill up with ELFs. But the sitting areas haven’t full-fill with fans yet
6:45 PM The stage of SS3 in QingDao…Many fans have entered inside the stadium now

6:30 PM There are some fans have enter inside the stadium^^ Wish C-ELF all the best in QingDao ^^
6:25 PM The guards that are at the QingDao’s stadium. Fans haven’t enter inside

Credit: twitter.com/sinyi88 + Choi Min Ji + twitter.com/lizzygeneration
6:20 PM There are crowded of fans lining up for enter in..but the doors haven’t open yet..and the rain hasn’t stop too
Tonight will have Lady HeeHee performance. Heenim has rehearsal it for last night^^
6:25 PM The guards that are at the QingDao’s stadium. Fans haven’t enter inside